If you let Google Chrome save your passwords then you could be at risk. https://www.newsweek.com/millions-home-wi-fi-networks-risk-hacking-cybersecurity-firm-claims-1105525
Internet router ‘hack’ scam targets UK homes
Internet router ‘hack’ scam targets UK homes Read more: https://www.which.co.uk/news/2018/08/internet-router-hack-scam-targets-uk-homes/
McAfee phishing scam
If you get a McAfee subscription reminder pop up while you are web browsing don’t click on the link as it is a phishing scam! https://www.onlinethreatalerts.com/article/2018/6/24/fraud-your-mcafee-subscription-has-expired-phishing-scam/
Fortnite fraud
Warning to all Fortnite gamers https://actionfraud.police.uk/news/fraudsters-targeting-online-gamers-jun18
Tesco.net email address
Are you still using a tesco.net email address? If so you need to act fast as this service will be terminated on the 27th June. As well as setting up a new address with another provider like hotmail or gmail you can set up a forward on your old tesco address to forward any […]
Change your Twitter account password
If you’ve got a Twitter account you should change your password and enable Two Factor Authentication, also known as 2FA, if you haven’t done so already. The Register – Twitter password blunder