New canopy installed

As the colder & wetter weather is approaching we now have a canopy installed over the drop off and collection area to help keep you and your computer dry while we maintain a social distance.  

August update – Callouts & drop off procedure

  CALLOUTS AR Computer Repairs are open and have resumed callouts/home visits and working inside customers premises but the number of appointments available are very limited. While the risk of Covid-19 has reduced it has not gone away so precautions including sanitizing our hands before and after each job and wearing a face mask and […]

Sanitizing your computer

It is good to hear that lots of people are sanitizing their computers and laptops, which pre Covid-19 often got overlooked. If you want to clean or sanitize your laptop, keyboard, screen or mouse please do NOT pour or spray any cleaning liquid onto it as this can easily damage it resulting in a costly […]

July update

  From 1st August we plan to be able to offer house calls and working inside your premises again. While the risk of Covid-19 has reduced it has not gone away so precautions including sanitizing our hands before and after each job and wearing a face mask and face shield will be normal for the next […]

1st June 2020 update

  AR Computer Repairs are still open but callouts/house visits for working inside your premises are still suspended.   From 1st June the options for repair and assistance are. We still offer phone support and will try and solve your computer problem this way if possible.   Remote access. If the computer still boots and […]

Business Hours

  Monday           9am – 6pm Tuesday           9am – 6pm Wednesday     9am – 6pm Thursday         9am – 6pm Friday              9am – 6pm Saturday          9.30am – 2pm Sunday            Closed   Out of hours Please do not phone or text out of business hours unless urgent. If you […]