Have I been Pwned?

On 28th August there was a massive data breach with 711,477,622 unique email addresses, many of which were also accompanied by corresponding passwords being pwned. What should I do? You can check here to see if any of your accounts were pwned. https://haveibeenpwned.com/ If you have been reusing and sharing the same password for different […]

Ransomware – Prevention and recovery

  Want to know how to prevent a ransomware attack or if you have been unlucky and already been infected how it might be possible to decrypt your computer? https://www.nomoreransom.org/ (click No for prevention advice and Yes for recovery options) If you would like help and advice on how to backup properly, check your software […]

Facebook & social media personal information security

Make sure you don’t give away too much personal information in your public Facebook and other social media profiles. This can lead to accounts being scammed more easily and security question information being given away to strangers. thatsnonsense – social media privacy

IoT smart toys

Before buying your child a smart toy, do your research and find out about the toy’s internet and device security measures, find out where user data is stored and then carefully read disclosures and privacy policies. Info Security – IoT Toys